Memorial Day at Balmoral Restaurant

Memorial Day at Balmoral


Only for Memorial Day! Our Chef is cooking up four different traditional Scottish pies to help with your holiday celebration!

•Steak and ale pie $34 per person
•Creamy Chicken and mushroom pie $30 per person
•Salmon and shrimp seafood pie $32 per person
•Vegetarian pie $26 per person

All pies served with roast, mashed and croquette potatoes, plus three different vegetables.

These are cooked, but provided cold just reheat in oven at 350 Degrees (F) for 30 minutes.

Available to pick up on Saturday or Sunday after 2pm, or — order one hot for pickup on Monday, from 11 to 8.

Pre order for Memorial Day at

Or call from Thursday (5/21) through Monday (5/25).

We’re open 11am to 8pm on Memorial Day!

Want something else?  Our Balmoral Select menu is still available on Memorial Day! Click here!